Monthly Archives: May 2019

Making subtraction towers

Reception have been working hard at being mathematicians this week!  We have been focussing on subtraction and using objects and drawings to show our subtraction skills! Some children can even count back on their fingers or take away in their heads.  This photo shows the subtraction towers that we made!

Mrs Toms

Meeting Bella

This week, Bella, our gorgeous school dog, has been out in the sunshine at lunchtime to meet the children. Everyone loved spending time with her, even those who were a little nervous to start with. As you can see, Bella really enjoyed all of the attention.

Reception Update

Hi all!

What a lovely term we have had learning all about plants!

Our beans we planted have started to sprout from the bottom so it will not be long before they are sprouting from the top too and we will see some beautiful green shoots.  Olsa, Rona and Jack have been doing an amazing job of watering and caring for our plants.  Well done to the three of you- our resident gardeners!

Some activities we have been taking part in are;

-making a parachute for Jack to float down from the beanstalk safely

-observational drawings of leaves

-adding and subtracting using fingers, drawings, cubes and number lines

-painting images from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and The Tiny Seed

-building large beanstalks from tyres and other big construction materials

-small world play with stick puppets and castles

-observational drawings of castles

-riding balance bikes while wearing helmets

-learning to use skipping ropes

-matching upper case to lower case letters

-threading tiny beads onto spaghetti strands

plus many more!!