Monthly Archives: January 2017

Odd and Even

Hi all!

Today we discovered odd and even numbers! Odd numbers cannot be shared fairly between two groups e.g. 1,3,5,7,9 and so on.  Even numbers can be shared fairly between two groups e.g. 2,4,6,8,10 and so on.

The children were amazing at representing this with their cubes and understood the concept really well!  We then solved a problem.

“If we add two odd numbers together, the answer will always be odd.  Is this true or false?”

We discovered this was false!  Two odd numbers always make an even number! Ask your children to tell you why!

Chestnut’s Clay Dragons

Chestnut Class have been working hard to make their clay dragons and paint them in the style of Alec Baker’s work.  We have been working with dots and small lines to recreate pictures like the one below!

IMG_1301 IMG_1300 IMG_1302

We can’t wait to see what they look like when they are fully complete!

Welcome Back!

Mrs Toms, Miss Munro & Mrs Coker are so excited to be back at school and cannot wait to see your lovely faces tomorrow morning (4th Jan).

We have some exciting news!

Miss Merritt is joining us until mid March as she completes her teacher training.  Please make her feel very welcome when you collect your children at the end of the day.

Please also ensure you have your PE kits, reading diaries and books ready to change tomorrow.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for learning!