Author Archives: nsale1.311

Oliver Twist

All of  year 4 have been reading and learning about Oliver Twist . Oliver Twist is set in the Victorian era so we have been learning about workhouses and what they were like inside . The jobs were very dangerous, and the poor children could lose limbs and get their head crushed.


In Oliver Twist there is a man called Fagin and he has a gang.  His gang are all pickpockets. One member of the gang is called Jack Dawkins but his nickname is the Artful Dodger. He looks after all the other members of the gang. 


By Symphony

Literacy in Larch and Maple

In year 4 we are learning about Oliver Twist. Last week we wrote a diary entry pretending we were in a workhouse. The next day we went on morfo booth and recorded ourselves saying a peace of our diary entry. Next we read a bit more of Oliver Twist, where we found out about a new character Fagin.

Here are some of our videos

Post By Jay

Welcome to Year 4

We hope you have had a lovely Summer. This Autumn term our topic is Victorians.  We will be reading Oliver Twist and a Christmas Carol.  Year 4 sampled some gruel this week as part of their work on Oliver Twist and life in a Victorian workhouse. Not many children were impressed! Watch this space for some Oliver Twist voice recordings that we are currently working on…

Welcome to Year 3

We have had a busy few weeks in Year 3 following instructions to make chocolate, designing our own chocolate bars and creating adverts using ICT to persuade Cadbury’s to make our chocolate bars!

We are very proud of the children, they have made a brilliant start to Year 3, all striving to be the best they can be.