Author Archives: Deleted User

Making Globes

Year 3 have been working hard, having fun and getting messy making globes to help them understand the planet Earth.

Miss Munro

Stop Frame Animation

Linked to their body topic, year 3 have been creating stop frame animations. First they cut out a skeleton and used split pins to replicate the joints. Then, using the program ‘I Can Animate’ on the macbooks, took a series of photos which, when played back at speed, gave the impression that the skeleton was moving. Next week they will add audio explaining the different bones in the skeleton.

Making 3D shapes

Year 3 had great fun constructing 3D shapes from modelling materials. Children made cubes, triangular prisms and cuboids. They could choose to use clay, blue tak, straws and matchsticks

Meeting Bella

This week, Bella, our gorgeous school dog, has been out in the sunshine at lunchtime to meet the children. Everyone loved spending time with her, even those who were a little nervous to start with. As you can see, Bella really enjoyed all of the attention.