On Tuesday we had a first music lesson with the Chime Bars. We had lots of fun exploring how we could change sounds and make our own tunes. Some of us even managed to play a little ‘Twinkle Twinkle’.
Here are a few clips…..
We had loads of fun following the mud recipes in the garden with
Miss Stone and Mrs Fisher – now we just need to convince our
adults at home to let us try out the recipes there!!!???
We were interested to see the children try some new and some familiar vegetables today. They all touched, smelt and looked closely at each veggie. Most children were brave and excited enough to try eating them too, some of us even found a new veggie we liked.
Here are a few photos of us using our senses to investigate the vegetables….
Firstly, I wanted to introduce myself to those of you whom I have not yet met. I am Mrs Wren and I will be teaching Willow 2 class for the next four weeks until Feb half term. Early Years is my favourite place to be, so I am delighted to be working with your wonderful children.
Secondly, I wanted to share some of the amazing learning that has been happening over the past few weeks.
Tree Climbing…
Writing in the foam…….
Card Making……
We have been on a hunt to find SUPERTATO, reading clues at each point….
We have been learning about ‘tallest’ and ‘shortest’ in maths by building towers with duplo and tyres…..
The children are amazing and are keen to learn new things everyday, well done Willow! : )
Happy New Year to you all!
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
We will not be starting PE until the week commencing Monday 21st January 2019. Our PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday so please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kits every Tuesday and Thursday.
Reading books
Please ensure you continue to read with your children and make a comment each time in their reading records.
Red words
We will be starting a teaching focus on red words this half term so we will be sending home 10 red words each week that the children will be focussing on in class for them to practice with you at home. Please include this time in their reading records too!
If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, please feel free to speak to a member of the Reception team.