All posts by Deleted User

Vegetable Tasting

We were interested to see the children try some new and some familiar vegetables today. They all touched, smelt and looked closely at each veggie. Most children were brave and excited enough to try eating them too, some of us even found a new veggie we liked.

Here are a few photos of us using our senses to investigate the vegetables….


January Fun in Willow!

Firstly, I wanted to introduce myself to those of you whom I have not yet met. I am Mrs Wren and I will be teaching Willow 2 class for the next four weeks until Feb half term. Early Years is my favourite place to be, so I am delighted to be working with your wonderful children.

Secondly, I wanted to share some of the amazing learning that has been happening over the past few weeks.

Tree Climbing…

Writing in the foam…….

Card Making……

We have been on a hunt to find SUPERTATO, reading clues at each point….

We have been learning about ‘tallest’ and ‘shortest’ in maths by building towers with duplo and tyres…..

The children are amazing and are keen to learn new things everyday, well done Willow! : )


This week the whole school have been decorating their own poppies. Most of the time we paint the poppies red because it is the classic colour of poppies and on Flanders Field when they started to grow it looked like a flood of the blood from the soldiers who died in battle. This year we got to paint purple poppies because they are for all of the animals that were killed in the wars like dogs, horses and pigeons. We also got to use a variety of techniques of how to decorate it like using a cotton bud and paint or felt tips. This year is a very special year because it is 100 years since World War 1 ended.

Year 6

Here is Video showing our beautiful poppies and pupils singing ‘In FlandersFields”.