Category Archives: News

At the gate

Good morning mums, dads and carers!

We will be starting to encourage the children to walk from the school gate to the classroom door after the Easter holidays in the summer term.  Until then, please feel free to walk your child down all the way to the door as usual.  It can be a big and scary thing when you are tiny to walk that far away from the person looking after you when they are normally right by our sides!

When we return after Easter this may not happen automatically for some children.  Some children are already confident to walk down by themselves but others may need more of a gradual distancing.  You may decide to leave them with a few footsteps to walk by themselves and then gradually increase this every few days until they are walking from the gate by themselves.

Our children are all unique and develop in different ways- they cannot be rushed! 🙂

As always, you are more than welcome to come in and look at the children’s profiles in the mornings or pop in after school.

Many thanks,


Reception team

Invitation to Play!

Here are some of the recent activities put out for the children to access during child initiated play.  Please come and tell us if your children have spoken about their favourite activities or what they would like to see more of!

Thank you for your recent kind donations.  The children are enjoying seeing new things in the environment.

Did you know?….  Some boys particularly favour writing and mark making while they are laying down on the floor with a large piece of paper or cardboard?  Have a go at home and see what happens! Alternatively you can sellotape a piece of paper to the underside of a small table and have them lay underneath it and draw/write with their arms in the air.



Floating and Sinking

Reception have been learning all about Mr Gumpy’s Outing.  We have been looking at different materials to see if they float or sink.  Mrs Toms helped us to understand why some things float and why some materials that float pop back up to the surface of the water even after being pushed down!

Please encourage your children to talk about floating and sinking when they are in the bath- you could use shampoo bottles, bars of soap and toys!

Remember; objects with tightly packed molecules will sink (what the material is made up of (inside!)) and objects with more loosely packed molecules will float!

Here are some pictures from our outdoor activity.


Helicopter Stories

Willow 1 and 2 began immersing themselves in ‘Helicopter Stories’ this week! The children acted out a given story and then came up with their own wonderful stories. The children then acted these out with their friends.  We heard marvellous tales of The Flash being bitten by a lion, Goldilocks travelling to ‘Bear House’ and Ariel being given a special ring! We are looking forward to making up more great stories next Wednesday.

Mrs Toms

Cops and Robbers

Reception children have had a fantastic week learning all about ‘Cops and Robbers’ as part of our superhero theme.

They even got to meet a real Police Officer and ask him questions.
We made our own police station, painted robbers for wanted posters and investigated a crime scene in the garden.
What a fantastic week!
Mrs Wren

Hammering Fun!


This week in reception, we taught the children how to use hammers and nails to create simple wooden structures and model – we had a wonderful time and were really impressed with their woodwork skills.
Now time to try this at home…..
Mrs Wren

Number Day

 We had a wonderful day Friday celebrating number day. We saw lot’s of creative costumes most of which were homemade so thank you for all your effort. It was also lovely to see so many parents joining in with problem solving activities with their children. Most importantly we have yet again raised some money for the NSPCC whilst having fun!