Well done to our Golden Certificate winners this week. We are very proud of you ๐
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Please ensure that everyday your child brings in their labelled bookbag and labelled water bottle. Also just a reminder that it should only be water in the water bottles to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Also please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name. It is inevitable that some items do become misplaced, however they are always returned when they are clearly labelled. It can be very difficult to make sure belongings go back to their rightful owners if they are not named. We are encouraging the children to be as independent as possible and it is easier to do that if their items are labelled.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend!
What a fun week!!
This week we had the second half of the class join us, and what an exciting week we’ve had!
The children have been busy exploring the inside areas and the gardens. The art shed in the garden is proving to be a big hit. As well as exploring their environment, they have also been getting to know each other and making friends. We can see already that some firm friendships have been made ๐
Mrs Costan, Mrs Williams and I have also had a wonderful week getting to know all of the children. We have a feeling that this is going to be the best year yet!!
Here are some pictures of this week
Enjoy your weekend ๐
Mrs Jones
Our first week in Reception
Jeans for Genes day
Just a reminder that tomorrow is ‘Jeans for Genes day’. Therefore your children are allowed to wear jeans and non-school uniformย for a small donation. This donation will go to the charity. We will collect the donation in the classroom.
Golden Rules
Here at Elm Park Primary we encourage the children to abide by the Golden Rules, I am sure you will be hearing more about these rules in the following days. If you don’t already know the Golden Rules, here they are;
1. We are gentle – We don’t hurt others
2. We are kind and helpful – We don’t hurt anyone’s feelings
3. We listen – We don’t interrupt
4. We are honest – We don’t cover up the truth
5. We work hard – We don’t waste our own or others’ time
6. We look after property – We don’t waste or damage things
Golden Tickets
In Reception the fun just keeps on going. Yesterday we introduced our Golden Ticket reward system to the children, so you might have been hearing about this.
Golden tickets are handed out for good behaviour and when we see the Golden rules being kept. The ticket is a simple raffle ticket with the childs name and class written on the back. If a child receives a golden ticket it goes into a special bag ready for Friday.
On Fridays the Golden Ticket Trolley comes around to each of the classrooms where two lucky winners will have their names pulled out of the bag. The lucky children whose names get pulled out are able to choose a prize of their choice off the trolley to keep.
All of the golden tickets collected each week throughout the school are placed into a big prize draw. Two lucky children at the end of each term will have the chance to win a Kindle.
The more Golden Tickets your child earns the more likely they are to win! ๐
Our first day
Yesterday we saw the younger half of this years Reception start.
The children were superstars from the start to the finish.
They came in looking smart and lovely in their brand new shiny uniforms and were excited to explore their new classrooms.
When the adults said their goodbyes, the children were able to investigate and play in both classrooms and they were introduced to the climbing frame garden and the bike road.
We had such a lovely day and can’t wait to see what the rest of the week will bring.
Here are some pictures of some of the children on their very first day at Elm Park Primary School.
The Builders Yard
Hello and welcome….
In Reception we are very excited to have the opportunity to blog all of the fun we have.
As this is the first post and we are waiting for the children to start we thought it might be a good idea to show you the progress of the classrooms.
The classrooms are looking slightly different and the layout has been carefully planned out and organised so that it is even more fun and exciting for the children.
Here is a sneak peek…….
Now all we need are children to make our classroom complete!
We can’t wait!
Mrs Jones
Mrs Coston
Mrs Williams