Category Archives: News

Guided Reading

Hi all!

Just a few photos to show you what Chestnut Class have been getting up to in their Guided Reading sessions!  A group always reads with the teacher and the other groups access some different activities.

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Visit from Sidra!

Hi all,

As you are aware, the children received a visit from Sidra Naaem from the Romford Islamic Centre.  She came for one hour and taught us lots of interesting information about the Muslim faith and what it means to be a Muslim.  We listened to a ‘call to prayer’, touched lots of objects (Quran, compass, prayer mat etc) and some children were able to dress up in beautiful clothes from around the world.  One child recognised the Turkish costume straight away!  Sidra was very impressed with our knowledge and questioning and we would like to say a big thank you to Sidra for volunteering her personal time to see us.


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Visit by the Reverand Keeley

On Tuesday, shortly after the first chick hatched, Reverend Keeley from St Nicholas’ Church in Elm Park came to visit us and answer our many questions about what it means to be a Christian.

The children were very polite and waited their turn to ask some very sensible and greater depth questions!

We asked questions such as “Do you have to love God to be a Christian?” and “Why are there so many candles in a church?”

Reverend Keeley was so happy to see us all again as she had remembered our wonderful behaviour from the last time we went.

Well done Year 1!


Phonics Screening Meeting

Dear Parents/Carers,


During the week of 12th June 2017, all children in Year 1 will take the ‘Phonics Screening’ test.  


The government introduced this test in 2012 to ensure that children are making sufficient progress in their phonic and reading skills.  The test is comprised of 40 real and non-words (children know these as ‘alien’ words) and takes between 5-10 minutes to complete.  The children will be tested individually with a teacher.  


Information meetings will be held on Friday 28th April 2017.   The first meeting will take place in the small hall at 9am and will last approximately 15 minutes.  The second meeting will take place in Chestnut Class at 3:30pm.  You only need to attend one meeting.   During this meeting, you will find out more about the test and ways to support your child at home.


If you are unable to attend either of these meetings, please speak to your child’s class teacher at the end of the school day.


Kind regards,


Mrs K Toms & Miss A Munro


Welcome back!

Hi all!

We have had a fabulous first week back at school!  It has been extra busy and the children have enjoyed many activities.

This week in Literacy, we have been learning about the book ‘Tadpole’s Promise’.  So far, the tadpole and the caterpillar have fallen in love.  The caterpillar asked the tadpole to never change but he could not help it and has grown two legs and arms and lost his tail!  We have written our own promises, speech bubbles and predicted what might happen next in the story.  We will also be writing letters from the caterpillar to the tadpole and then finish by retelling the story ourselves.

In maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of tens and units.  We know that numbers such as 76 are made of 7 tens and 6 units.  We used this knowledge to add 2 digit numbers together e.g. 33+ 21= 54 by using tens and units equipment.   We also found 1 more than numbers up to 200.  Help us by asking us to quickly tell you one more than any number between 100-200!

In phonics, we have been learning about the ‘or’, ‘ar’ and ‘oi’ sounds in real and alien words.

In Geography, we have been making maps of the classroom and linking our fieldwork skills to Science by hunting for different types of trees and flowers around our school.  We mostly have bluebells, dandelions and daisies on our field!

In PE, we have been learning to kick a football using the inside of our foot towards a target and deciding when to sprint during a chasing game.  In Dance, we have been transforming our body movements into insect shapes and thinking about the ways they move to a beat using musical instruments.

Don’t forget that all children need to read 3 times per week in order to attend the treat at the end of the term!!

We also welcome Miss Challis who will be volunteering with us until the summer for three days each week in Chestnut and Birch Class.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Toms 🙂

Visit from the reverend

Hi all,

I tried posting this before  but it didn’t send!  Here are some pictures from Reverend Keeley’s visit.

Reverend Keeley was so excited to come to Elm Park as our behaviour was amazing at the church before Christmas.

In RE, the children had been writing questions about Christianity to ask Reverend Keeley.  They asked some super questions!




Today in Maths, Year 1 were learning to turn through a half turn and full turn.

They played a game of Simon Says.  The leader of the game gave instructions e.g. Walk three steps forward and turn a full turn.

This concept is difficult for most children to understand so we need all the help you can give us to ensure they know how to move their own bodies and objects through a full turn (360 degrees), a half turn (180 degrees) and eventually a quarter turn (90 degrees).  The children do not need to know about degrees of movement- that’s just for us grown ups 🙂

Happy turning!



A chick has hatched !!

Good afternoon all!

We have some great news! One of our chicks has hatched!!

We think it is a girl because she looks quite brown but we will have to wait and see when it is fully dry.


We will keep you updated as more chicks hatch, but don’t forget to check out the live stream- you may see one hatch live!!!!

The visitors have arrived!!

Hi all,

Yesterday when the children went home, The Living Egg company brought 11 eggs in an incubator to our school.  She helped us set it up with the correct temperature and amount of water.  You can watch the live stream by following this link or by clicking on our Facebook page and following the link from there.

The lady said they would be hatching by Wednesday but we already have 2 little cracks in 2 eggs where the chicks are pipping out of the egg using their egg tooth!

We will update you with photographs and extra knowledge when they begin to break out!

We are hoping that all 11 eggs will hatch, but we are guaranteed between 7 and 8 eggs.  Last year all 10 eggs hatched so we have our fingers crossed!

The children will be watching the live stream on the interactive whiteboard while they complete their work and visiting the eggs/ chicks as often as possible.

How exciting!

Mrs Toms