Hi all!
We have had a fabulous first week back at school! It has been extra busy and the children have enjoyed many activities.
This week in Literacy, we have been learning about the book ‘Tadpole’s Promise’. So far, the tadpole and the caterpillar have fallen in love. The caterpillar asked the tadpole to never change but he could not help it and has grown two legs and arms and lost his tail! We have written our own promises, speech bubbles and predicted what might happen next in the story. We will also be writing letters from the caterpillar to the tadpole and then finish by retelling the story ourselves.
In maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of tens and units. We know that numbers such as 76 are made of 7 tens and 6 units. We used this knowledge to add 2 digit numbers together e.g. 33+ 21= 54 by using tens and units equipment. We also found 1 more than numbers up to 200. Help us by asking us to quickly tell you one more than any number between 100-200!
In phonics, we have been learning about the ‘or’, ‘ar’ and ‘oi’ sounds in real and alien words.
In Geography, we have been making maps of the classroom and linking our fieldwork skills to Science by hunting for different types of trees and flowers around our school. We mostly have bluebells, dandelions and daisies on our field!
In PE, we have been learning to kick a football using the inside of our foot towards a target and deciding when to sprint during a chasing game. In Dance, we have been transforming our body movements into insect shapes and thinking about the ways they move to a beat using musical instruments.
Don’t forget that all children need to read 3 times per week in order to attend the treat at the end of the term!!
We also welcome Miss Challis who will be volunteering with us until the summer for three days each week in Chestnut and Birch Class.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Toms 🙂