All posts by Deleted User

Christmas Homework

Many parents have asked us about the reading diaries over the break.

We will be handing out new picture books when the children return in January and would like you to focus on red words during the holidays. We have sent home the first 100 high frequency words for you. These are words that cannot be sounded out.

Over the holidays please focus on helping your child to recognise the following: 

the, and, a, to, said, in, he and I. 

Please keep a record of this in your reading diary and feel free to add in anything you have read over the holidays.

Merry Christmas from Reception.



Thank you to everyone who came to see our nativity. We are very proud of all of the children!

Christmas Party 

Tomorrow is our Christmas party. Please send your child in their party clothes and send in some party food. Please be aware we will not serve anything that may contain nuts.

Christmas Homework

We have sent home reading records and would like you to record how often you are looking at the red words. We will send home more red words for the holidays.

Please continue to try counting to 20 and beyond, ordering numbers, reading CVC words and writing CVC words over the holidays. You may write shopping lists, cards or count how many presents are under the tree to help your child learn without even realising it!

Merry Christmas! 

A busy week!

What have we been up to this week? 

This week the children have been working really hard and showing us what they can write all by themselves and how far they can count and add. We have been really impressed with their progress since starting Reception in September. We would like to take this opportunity to thank those parents who look through the phonics sounds and read regularly with their children as this really shows!

We also attended ‘Roots for food’ in the hall and had lots of fun talking about and trying healthy foods.

Reception have begun rehearsing for our nativity. Please help your child to learn the song words at home. The countdown to the performance has begun!


We would like to take this opportunity to ask that you remove picture books from your child’s book bag on a Monday and keep them at home for the week. We appreciate that some of the books are too large for the book bags which is why we place them in bags at the very end of the day. The books being left in bags for the week are very quickly becoming bent and tatty. Please help them last longer by keeping them at home for the week.

There has been some difficulty with printing and yellow book stickers will be sent home on Monday. As there has been a delay you do not have to return this book until Thursday.

A picture of our chefs for the day!


Little Red Hen 23.11.18

What have we been up to? 

This week in Reception, the children had lots of fun mixing colours in zip lock bags, using scales to weigh different objects and using vegetables and paint to create repeating patterns.


Next week we will begin rehearsals for our nativity! The performance will take place on Monday 17th December at 9.30am. During the week we will be sending home song lyrics and a costume list.

Helping your child at home 

Your child has been learning to add using objects. Help your child to read a simple number sentence such as 3+1= and use objects to find the answer.


Please remember that large picture books are swapped on a Monday and must be sent in alongside your child’s reading record. Homework books must be sent back to school on a Wednesday.

Pictures from the week – Making bread and story telling on the stage




Little Red Hen 16.11.18

What have we been up to?

In Reception the children have been learning the story of ‘Little Red Hen’. We have been very impressed by their story telling! The children have been trying to write some words and sentences during their choosing time which has been lovely to see. They have also made some brilliant bonfire night inspired pictures.

What is happening next week?

Next week the children will be doing lots of exciting things including making bread, creating pictures with different materials and learning how to take away.

How can you help at home?

Please continue helping your child to write their name, recognise and recite numbers to 20 and write simple words like bin, cat and hat.

Important notices

There are three misplaced jumpers which have name labels in them. As they are not at school, we ask that you check your washing carefully to make sure none of these missing items have been taken by mistake.  We are also missing one pair of boys trousers. Thank you.

Please note the Christmas performance will take place on Monday 17th December. We will confirm exact times at a later date.

Have a lovely weekend!