All posts by Deleted User

Making smoothies

Reception made smoothies on the smoothie bike using some of the fruits from the story ‘Handa’s Surprise”! We chopped and peeled the fruit, added some apple juice and got pedalling! It was very tricky to pedal and churn the fruits but our team effort meant that we all had a cup of smoothie to drink!

Making subtraction towers

Reception have been working hard at being mathematicians this week!  We have been focussing on subtraction and using objects and drawings to show our subtraction skills! Some children can even count back on their fingers or take away in their heads.  This photo shows the subtraction towers that we made!

Mrs Toms

Meeting Bella

This week, Bella, our gorgeous school dog, has been out in the sunshine at lunchtime to meet the children. Everyone loved spending time with her, even those who were a little nervous to start with. As you can see, Bella really enjoyed all of the attention.

Helicopter Stories

Willow 1 and 2 began immersing themselves in ‘Helicopter Stories’ this week! The children acted out a given story and then came up with their own wonderful stories. The children then acted these out with their friends.  We heard marvellous tales of The Flash being bitten by a lion, Goldilocks travelling to ‘Bear House’ and Ariel being given a special ring! We are looking forward to making up more great stories next Wednesday.

Mrs Toms

Cops and Robbers

Reception children have had a fantastic week learning all about ‘Cops and Robbers’ as part of our superhero theme.

They even got to meet a real Police Officer and ask him questions.
We made our own police station, painted robbers for wanted posters and investigated a crime scene in the garden.
What a fantastic week!
Mrs Wren

Hammering Fun!


This week in reception, we taught the children how to use hammers and nails to create simple wooden structures and model – we had a wonderful time and were really impressed with their woodwork skills.
Now time to try this at home…..
Mrs Wren

Number Day

 We had a wonderful day Friday celebrating number day. We saw lot’s of creative costumes most of which were homemade so thank you for all your effort. It was also lovely to see so many parents joining in with problem solving activities with their children. Most importantly we have yet again raised some money for the NSPCC whilst having fun!