Category Archives: News

Little Red Hen 16.11.18

What have we been up to?

In Reception the children have been learning the story of ‘Little Red Hen’. We have been very impressed by their story telling! The children have been trying to write some words and sentences during their choosing time which has been lovely to see. They have also made some brilliant bonfire night inspired pictures.

What is happening next week?

Next week the children will be doing lots of exciting things including making bread, creating pictures with different materials and learning how to take away.

How can you help at home?

Please continue helping your child to write their name, recognise and recite numbers to 20 and write simple words like bin, cat and hat.

Important notices

There are three misplaced jumpers which have name labels in them. As they are not at school, we ask that you check your washing carefully to make sure none of these missing items have been taken by mistake.  We are also missing one pair of boys trousers. Thank you.

Please note the Christmas performance will take place on Monday 17th December. We will confirm exact times at a later date.

Have a lovely weekend!




This week the whole school have been decorating their own poppies. Most of the time we paint the poppies red because it is the classic colour of poppies and on Flanders Field when they started to grow it looked like a flood of the blood from the soldiers who died in battle. This year we got to paint purple poppies because they are for all of the animals that were killed in the wars like dogs, horses and pigeons. We also got to use a variety of techniques of how to decorate it like using a cotton bud and paint or felt tips. This year is a very special year because it is 100 years since World War 1 ended.

Year 6

Here is Video showing our beautiful poppies and pupils singing ‘In FlandersFields”.

How To Say The Sounds

Your child will be learning the individual sounds the letters make in order to begin reading and writing. We would like to take this opportunity to direct you to the Reception blog where you can find an example of how we teach phonics in school. Elm Park Primary uses Read, Write, Inc and here are some videos if you are unsure of how to teach the letter sounds.