Health and Fitness Week

Health and Fitness Week has been a great success with the children taking part in lots of different activities and being able to enjoy different healthy fruit and veg. On Monday, the children took part in the 5-a-day Pentathlon and will be trying to better their score in September. Throughout the day on Tuesday, children took part in a Clubbercise session in which they danced the day away to some classic songs. The smoothie bike took off on Wednesday, as we saw each class create their winning smoothie. Finally on Thursday the children took to their seats to watch Teachers vs Year 6 rounder, which saw the teacher win. 

Miss Joseph

The Naughty Bus

Year 1 have been reading a new book ‘The Naughty Bus’. The bus from the story has come to visit our school and we have been having lot’s of fun with him. This week the naughty bus has been getting up to all sorts of mischief around the school including zooming down the banisters and stealing children’s lunches! We are now trying to teach him about the golden rules. Our lovely year 1 children are being great role models in showing him how to do this.

Miss Munroe 


Jungle Penny

On Wednesday 6th June, Reception, Year One and Year Two had a visit from Jungle Penny. We learnt all about the different animals you might see in the jungle and know lots of new facts. We had great fun monkeying around and stealing banana pies too! 

Mrs Rice

Number fun

This week, the whole school has been on the look out for big red numbers! The numbers are hidden and the children are on a mission to find them and return them to Miss Brown,along with a fact of their choice about that number. The children have enjoyed searching throughout the school and showing off their number skills!

Miss Brown

The people who have influenced us.

During our RE lessons, we have been learning about different people who influence us. We have looked at Christianity and today we looked at the people who influence us in school. Here are some of the clips where the children said thank you to these special people who have influenced them and have made them the people they are today! Enjoy!

Chestnut Class


Birch Class


Year 1 Mini garden Homework

Year 1 have received so many lovely pieces of homework! We just wanted to say a big thank you to the children and the adults who have spent so much time and effort on them! They are truly amazing and deserved to be showed off. Please keep them coming we are loving their little garden projects! These are just a few of them:

Mini beast Poetry

It’s poetry week in year 1 and to start us off the children have been reciting poems about mini beasts! They even used actions to go with their poems and focused on expression whilst reading them out loud! We can’t wait to read your mini beast poems year 1! 

Chick fun!

We have been super excited about the chicks coming to Elm Park Primary school! We have been watching super carefully and  have been learning about the hen life cycle. Year 1 have been watching the chicks hatch out the eggs and seeing them grow. unnamed-1 unnamed
