Art week.

Art week was a great success in Reception. The children amazed us with their ability draw. We taught them the new concept of what an observational drawing was. They were able to create some really detailed observational drawings from given items. The children showed great perseverance and determination in their drawings. See just a few of the amazing examples below.


Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning all about mini beasts. On Monday we had a visitor who brought in lots of minibeasts. We learnt about the Leopard gecko, bird catching spider, bearded dragon and rats to name a few.

Road Safety and Emergency Vehicles week

What a busy week we’ve had in Reception. We’ve had several visitors in this week and also a mini trip into Elm Park.

On Tuesday, Sue our Lolly Pop lady came to visit the children. She told us all about her job and how important it is to be careful when crossing the road.


The children have also had an opportunity to create their own vehicles using junk modelling materials. They worked in partners to complete their vehicles. They were brilliant at working together and produced lovely vehicles. In fact they did so well that the vehicles the have now been displayed on our main school stair case.


On Wednesday we had our Beep Beep day, where the children learned all about the importance of road safety and the Green Cross Code. We took the children into Elm Park to learn how to cross the road safely and also to look at the different road crossings. The children really loved this mini trip, and they are really good at explaining the road safety rules. They loved learning about road safety so much, they practiced their Road Safety skills on the road we have in our Reception garden.

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We had a visitor from Mrs Divall, who works at Havering Catering. She told us how the cooks help us have a healthy diet. She told us all about how we need to have a rainbow of colours on our plate.



Finally we had a visitor from P.C Boyle. He spoke to the children about what a policeman does and how he keeps us safe. The children got to go inside his police van and listen to the sirens. It is safe to say the children had a brilliant time!

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We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Reception team 🙂

Policing Reception!

In Reception we have been looking at people who help us. We have become Police detectives, using our police station role play area to find out who pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall and who stole the chocolate cake! The children have had a wonderful time being the Police or a baddy. 

The 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

We are thrilled that the children have had such a lovely break and they all came in enthusiastic and ready to learn.

Which is a good job really, as our first week back after the Easter holidays has been actioned packed. This week our core text has been The Three Little Pigs And The Big Bad Wolf.

The children were asked to write a letter to the 3 pigs on behalf of the wolf apologising for his behaviour. IMG_2274IMG_2275

Another task the children completed was a whole class story map. They all added a drawing to the story map from a part of the story and added a caption or a speech bubble. The children had to work out if they picture went at the beginning, middle or end of the story.

Here is the completed story map;


In maths we have been learning to take away on a number line. The children are beginning to grasp this concept, but practicing this skill at home will really be beneficial.

Next week we will start to begin a very slow but smooth transition into the Year 1 routine. Your child has been sent home with a letter explaining this. Please read it through so you are aware of what is happening. If you have any questions about the transition process, please do not hesitate to ask one of the reception team.

Have a lovely weekend.


Goodbye to Miss Browne

Today in reception we say goodbye to Miss Browne, who has now completed her final teaching training placement with us.

She has been a huge asset to the team and will be missed.  We wish her every success as she starts her teaching career, we know she will be fabulous.

The children have created some beautiful messages for her and we wanted to share some with you:



Making vegetable patches

Reception children have been learning about Vegetables and have planted some of their own in the reception garden.
We made our own vegetable patches using collage materials.
If you would like to bring in some vegetables or fruit to add to our resources it would be gratefully received.
Here are some pictures:

Building with Logs

During the high winds we had recently one of the trees in reception became loose.

Yesterday, the tree was cut down by a tree surgeon.

We asked if we could keep the logs.

Today, the children had a wonderful time building fires and dens using the logs – it was enormous fun and we worked really well as a team.

Here are some of the photos:



This week the children have been reading the text ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra.  

It is about a super hero potato who protects the world from the evil peas. 

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Here are some of the activities the children have been involved in: IMG_0679  Writing speech bubbles for Supertato IMG_0681  Counting carrot legs and finding the numberIMG_0683 Rescue the trapped Butternut Squash

IMG_0680 Make a Supertato and Evil Pea puppet

IMG_0678 Count the potatoes to match the number

Here is a video of the story for you to share at home:


Here we are busy learning through play:

IMG_0686 Painting the super vegetables

IMG_0687  Writing speech bubbles for Supertato

IMG_0688 Making puppets to tell the story

IMG_0689  Helping to rescue the Butternut Squash



World Book Day photos