A busy week and a half!

Since we have been back from Christmas we have been learning lots and lots. Last week and this week our focus has been on the Antarctic because we have been reading the stories, ‘Penguin and the Pinecone’ and ‘Penguin Small’.

We started the week off learning all about the word ‘curious’ as the penguin found a curious object, which was in fact a pinecone. The children had a go at describing their own curious object by having some items in a feely bag and describing them to their friends. Their friends had to guess which curious object had been chosen.


The children then used the Ipads to investigate more about where the penguins lived. They used the app Google Earth and knew that they needed to find an area that was white as the penguins lived in an area covered in ice and snow. They were successfully able to navigate their way around Google earth and could find where the penguins lived, as well as looking at where they live within the world. They even wrote some facts about penguins.


Over the last two weeks the children have been learning to recognise and order the numbers from 0 – 20. They particularly enjoyed going on a number hunt. Within the garden there were 20 penguins with the numerals 0 – 20 on their tummies. The children then had to find all of the numbers and write them down when they had found them. The children loved exploring the garden looking for the numbers and they felt very grown up walking around with a clipboard and pencil writing down the numbers they had found. Perhaps they could try this activity at home?


Also outside in the garden, the children were practicing their balancing skills. They created their own obstacle course using lots of the outside equipment and made their way across this carefully. They are becoming very confident at moving in different ways and balancing on the apparatus.

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