Author Archives: Deleted User

Christmas Play Costumes

Please can you send your child in with their christmas play costume in a named carrier bag.

Our dress rehersal is on Monday and our actual performance is Wednesday morning at 9:30

If you have any problems with obtaining a costume for your child, please come and speak to one of the Reception team as we have plenty of spare costumes.

Many thanks

Fun At The Farm

On Monday the Reception children visited Wellgate Community Farm in Collier Row.

We had a lovely day and were so lucky with the weather.

The day started off with us catching the bus to Collier Row and then walking to the farm. Once we arrived at the farm we had our lunch straight away.

After eating we went on a tour of the farm where we were able to meet all of the farm animals and learn a little bit more about them.

At the farm we saw lots of animals. Some of the animals we saw were; A cow, a Shetland pony, rabbits, ducks, turkeys, pigs, geese, bees and a few others.

Here are some pictures from our lovely first trip.IMG_0614 IMG_0617 IMG_0627 IMG_0639 IMG_0641 IMG_0643 IMG_0650 IMG_0651 IMG_0659

Thank you to all of our adult volunteers. We couldn’t have orgainised the trip without you.




Dear Parents, we would like to apologise for our lack of absence on the blog.

As I am sure you can appreciate this is an incredibly busy time of year and unfortunately we have been unable to update the blog as often as we would have liked.



Recently there has been Halloween and Bonfire Night. The book that the class read in keeping with these two festivities was Julia Donaldson’s ‘Room On The Broom’. The children loved this story, especially when they found out that the dragon had visited our school! Thankfully it was a kind dragon and not a scary one. The maths lessons last week focused on adding two simple digits and becoming familiar with the addition and equals symbol.

This week we are celebrating Diwali, The festival of light. The children loved hearing this story today and they have created some wonderful drawings of the 10-headed baddy Ravana. Within maths this week we will be focusing on height and length, comparing sizes and measuring in non-standard forms.

Here is a link to a child friendly version of the story of Diwali

Also here is a picture of Ravana!

Don’t forget if your child shows you any wonderful learning at home to note it down on a ‘wow’ moment. (one has been attached to this post if you need a spare one) wow moments




Mrs Jones

Holiday activities

If you are looking for activities to continue your child’s learning over the half term, here are a few ideas;

  • Name writing practice and holding a pencil with a 3 point grip
  • Number recognition to 10 in and out of order
  • Number recognition to 20 in and out of order
  • Number formation practice to 10
  • Counting items with 1:1 correspondence to 10
  • Scissor control
  • Getting dressed and undressed independently
  • Recognition of the sounds; m, a, s, d, t, p, i and hearing these initial sounds in words.

Practicing these skills over the holiday will really help you child with their learning. If you want further clarification on any of the above activates please comment below 🙂

Enjoy your October half term

Mrs Jones and Mrs Coston


The Gruffalo Tea Party

Dear Parents and Carers,


This half term Reception will be having a ‘Gruffalo tea party’ where the parents are invited to join the children in the reception classrooms on Friday 23rd October from 1:45pm until the end of school. The children will prepare sandwiches for the adults and the children to eat, and then you will be able to spend the rest of the afternoon learning and playing within the Reception classrooms and gardens. Younger siblings are also welcome to join in the fun. This is a wonderful opportunity for the adults to come and see how much fun the children have at school and the children will love being able to show you around their classrooms.


We hope you will be able to join us for this fun afternoon.


Yours sincerely,


Mrs Jones and Mrs Coston