Category Archives: News

Welcome Back!

Mrs Toms, Miss Munro & Mrs Coker are so excited to be back at school and cannot wait to see your lovely faces tomorrow morning (4th Jan).

We have some exciting news!

Miss Merritt is joining us until mid March as she completes her teacher training.  Please make her feel very welcome when you collect your children at the end of the day.

Please also ensure you have your PE kits, reading diaries and books ready to change tomorrow.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for learning!

Hope for Havering

“This Christmas Elm Park Primary School are supporting the Hope4Havering charity with a reverse advent calendar.  Students participated by bringing in an item, on a date they were given, which will benefit a homeless person.  In return, the student was allowed to open the door on the advent calendar for that date and receive a chocolate. 
Donations have been non-perishable food tins, crisps, crackers, cakes, scarves, hats, gloves, blankets, toiletries etc 
Miss Brown, whose idea it was, said how overwhelmed she was with the response and how everyone got in the spirit of it and contributed something.
Please see the following link for more information:
IMG_1937 (1)


Thank you to all for your donations to help the homeless and less fortunate citizens of our local area.

We have had lots of donations of food, clothing, sheets and toiletries. You will help improve the lives of others this Christmas and after.

Here is a picture of our proud Year 1s with their thoughtful donations. IMG_1941


Merry Christmas to all!

High Frequency Words

Hi Mums, Dads and carers!

We are trying so hard to read the common words we see (you have them stuck in the front of the red homework books!).

We know lots and lots of them and are practising them daily in school and trying our best to write them but it is tricky to make some of them stick in our heads!

Please help us!

Over the next few days, your child may be coming home with a colourful sheet (see the example attached!) with the ten words they are practising over the next couple of weeks.  Ideally we would like to remember these tens words in no more than 2-3 weeks! Putting the sheet in  a place your child visits frequently (the fridge or the bathroom perhaps!) is a great place as they will see them all the time and be able to remember them easily.  Having a parent vs child competition is always a great way to help your child remember them!

Our wonderful Mrs Oakeley will be working weekly with the children to see how they are getting on with the words… good luck everybody and as always, thank you for your continued support!

Remember: the sheet below is just an example- your child may have different words!

HFW at home Trolls sheet example parents

Making an ebook for the pupils in Reception

During their computing lessons, the children have been looking at the difference between a traditional paper book and an ebook. A traditional book can have beautiful pictures in and a written story or text. They learnt that ebooks can also have pictures and text in but can be interactive too. They discovered that you can listen to ebooks and sometimes the pictures move or talk when you touch them.

We have started to make a ‘Gruffalo’s Child’ ebook for the reception children to enjoy. Here are a few of the photos that they drew using the ‘Draw Free’ app on the iPads.



Year 1 celebrate our GOOD news

On Friday we held a surprise assembly for Miss Morris to celebrate that OFSTED have graded our school as GOOD.  Each class or year group made a short video which was shown during the special assembly. Each of these videos have now been posted on the individual year group blogs for the whole school community to enjoy.

Birch Class ….


Chestnut Class …..

Phonics Meeting

Thank you to all those who attended the phonics meeting.  We are very grateful to have such supportive parents!

We hope the session was informative and you were able to take some ideas for teaching phonics.

Some of you were asking how to ensure children write correctly at home.  This chart may be of some use to you to see the developmental stages.  Generally, our children are working between stages 9 and 12, but of course there are some working beyond and some working towards this.  Please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher to have a look at their writing so far for further support.


Below is a link to the presentation shared with you today.  I have updated this to include the information on apps, games and videos that may be of use to you at home.

Again, we thank you for all the support you have given so far and we look forward to working with you more closely as your children become even brainier!!

Miss K Gill

Presentation to Parents

Finding more and less

Hello mums, dads and carers!

We are working really hard to count on and back from any number up to and across 50.  It is our goal by Christmas to have every child able to start at a given number e.g 34 and to tell us what the numbers after and the numbers before are.

Please help us by practising this skill- particularly finding the numbers before and helping your children to understand that counting back means finding less as well!