Category Archives: News

Our kind friends

This week, two of our friends have been showing kindness during lunchtimes!

As we know, it can often be hard for children to find a friend to play with and even harder to offer to approach another person to let them know your needs.

Fortunately, we have a girl in Year 1 who is brave enough to ask a friend to help her and we have a girl who is kind enough to offer that help.

Well done girls- your picture is now on our British Values board in the Heart Space area!


About the teachers….

We are getting to know lots about your children as they settle into classes.  We thought we would tell you a little bit about us!

Miss Gill is the Key Stage 1 phase leader and Year 1 class teacher for Chestnut Class.   Literacy lessons are her favourite thing to teach, especially when the children begin to write exciting stories with characters and interesting events!  She loves chocolate, musicals and pyjamas!  Miss Gill is always singing and loves her kitten, Cleo and 4 year old niece.

Miss Gill is getting married in October and from the 31st October will be known as Mrs Toms- how exciting!

Miss Munro is the Year 1 class teacher for Birch Class.  Her favourite thing to teach is also Literacy, especially when children become confident writers and show independent skills.   She loves singing, music and musicals and runs the choir alongside Miss Gill every Wednesday.  She gets excited when the children are invited to sing at music festivals.  Miss Munro also loves kittens and cannot wait to get her own.

When Miss Munro is not at work she loves going to Italian restaurants and watching movies at the cinema.



Counting and number writing

We are so impressed with the maths skills your children already know.

We have been counting objects, finding 1 more and 1 less than a number up to and beyond 20, writing numbers with correct formation and writing numbers in sequences.

If you would like to practise more number writing at home to ensure all numbers are formed correctly, sign up to a Twinkl account for free to print lots of number and maths worksheets!

Here are some photos of maths from the last week!

Well done children!!

Miss Gill & Miss Munro


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A brilliant start to Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 blog.  We will be continuing the lovely work that the reception teachers posted for you to show you their learning journey.

We have been busy learning all about ourselves. Some activities  include…

  • Writing about our likes and dislikes
  • Tasting different foods
  • Drawing around our bodies and labelling them
  • Using a mirror to draw our portraits
  • Using morfo booth to change our faces

Here are some photos of all the fun we have had!IMG_1756 IMG_1755 IMG_1754 IMG_1753 IMG_1752 IMG_1751 IMG_1750 IMG_1749 IMG_1748 IMG_1735 IMG_1719

week beginning 20th June

We have had an exciting week of learning.

This week we read the story MOG and the V.E.T. The children discussed what vets do and they wrote about how Mog felt going to the vet.

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In Maths this week we have been looking at telling the time. We have been practicing O’clock and half past times. The link below is a fun game that your child may wish to play on a tablet or computer at home to practice telling the time.

On Wednesday we had our second stay and play session with the new Reception children starting in September. The children were very kind and helpful to the new starters and were fantastic ambassadors for the school.

Sports day is fast approaching! Can you please ensure that your child has a clearly labelled water bottle and the correct coloured t-shirt. I do apologise that I wrote the wrong t-shirt colour for Amber team on the letters. It is in fact yellow, not orange. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused! Remember that you are welcome to have lunch with the children on the field and infants will be doing their sports day activities in the afternoon. We hope you can all make it!

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Reception team 🙂


Week Beginning 13th June

We have had a busy week learning all about what we want to be when we grow up.

The children have had visits from the Mrs Divall who looks after all of the school dinners across Havering. She taught the children about healthy eating and having a rainbow of colours on your plate. We also had a visit from PC Boyle who told us all about being a Police officer and we got to sit in the Police van and hear the sirens!

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We have done lots of writing this week about what are Mums and Dads do as a job and what jobs we would like to do when we’re older and why.

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In Maths this week we have been learning all the properties of 3D shapes. The children have been on shape hunts to find 3D shapes inside and outside and have been able to list 3D shape facts!

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We will be doing lots of practice leading up to sports day next week. Please can you ensure that your child has a clearly labelled water bottle. Also the fathers day messages and class photos are in this weeks Romford recorder.

Have a lovey weekend!

Reception team 🙂

Thank you

Dear Parents and Children,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a sincere and heart felt ‘Thank You’. The gifts, flowers, cards and generosity you have shown me has deeply moved me and words cannot express my gratitude.

I have throughly enjoyed getting to know the children and parents this year and I am sorry that I will not see the end of the year through. I will particularly miss seeing the children’s smiling faces every morning.

The children have already met Miss Davis who will be the Willow 1 Teacher for the remainder of the year and I am certain she is going to love getting to know the classes as much as I have.

Thank you once again for everything and I hope the children enjoy the rest of their time in Reception.

Mrs Jones 🙂


p.s. Here is a picture of Miss Davis

week commencing 23rd May

This week has been yet another busy week!

It has been learning together week and parents have been coming to see their child learn in phonics, literacy and numeracy. We would like to thank all of those parents that could make it. I know the children really enjoyed showing off what they could do to you all.

In Literacy we have been learning all about mini beasts! The children have looked at different non-fiction books and information online to write all about different mini beasts. We also had zoo lab come in to visit us and Chloe showed us some fascinating mini beasts that we had the chance to hold! We got to meet Gary the Madagascan hissing cockroach, Barry the Millipede, Lola the tarantula, Speedy the snail, and a corn snake. The children enjoyed holding the animals and learning some cool facts about the creatures!

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In maths this week we have been looking at adding and taking away using number lines and counting objects to help them. The children are becoming more confident at writing number sentences.

This week we were also lucky enough to have West Ham under 21’s come to visit us. The players spoke to the children in assembly about respect on and off the field. The children then did a fun workshop with the players outside, playing a range of football games.

During half term if you have the time these are some things that your child could be learning at home:

  • Adding two more or two less to a number up to 20
  • Handwriting practice of the sounds learnt so far and numbers formed correctly
  • Getting changed independently
  • Helicopter stories
  • Naming properties of 2D and 3D shapes

We have had such a fantastic half term with the children and we would like to thank you so much for your continued support. We hope you have a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing you all in June!

Reception team 🙂

Week Commencing 03.05.16

This week has been a bit of a mixed bag, due to the bank holiday and the polling day there has been less structure than usual. However we have still managed to have a fantastic week learning about the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We have completed some brilliant writing and also learnt a little bit more about a 2D shapes and 3D shapes. This week unfortunately it has been impossible for us to read with all of the children and change their books to share. However this will be rectified next week so please bare with us.

This week we have also trialled splitting the classes into two classrooms. Over the last 2 weeks we have been lucky enough to have lots of new children join us. However, it has meant that there are now just too many children to teach as a whole class. The children have been split via register order. The children will still be taught by both class teachers, however it does mean that the children will come into a designated classroom in the mornings and afternoon to complete the register. Willow one which connects to the climbing frame garden is where Mrs Jones will be registering one half of the class and Willow Two connects to the larger concrete garden is where Mrs Coston will be registering the other half of the class. Mrs Williams will be running between both!!! The end of day arrangements have not changed and the children will be released from their usual doors. Please be reassured that the children are still able to free flow into both classrooms and which ever garden is open, therefore there is very little disturbance to their school day.

As the warmer weather is approaching, please, please, please send your child to school with weather appropriate clothing, such as a shower proof jacket, sun hat and no tights. As always please ensure these items of clothing are clearly labelled. Also please ensure that your child is bringing in a named water bottle to school everyday.

Finally, just a reminder. We are still waiting for payment for some children to attend the zoo lab session that we will be hosted in school on the morning of the 25th of May. This payment must be completed online and the consent form must be sent into school by no later than this coming Tuesday the 10th of May. Unfortunately on this occasion, if we do not receive enough payment the session will have to be cancelled and the money that has already been paid in will be returned.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Jones and Mrs Coston

Week commencing 25.4.16

This week we have had yet another fun packed week!

In Literacy we have been learning about the story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’. We designed our own magic shoes, retold the story and wrote about why the elves in the story were special. We have also been telling more helicopter stories this week. Some children have even been writing their own helicopter stories at home and in school!

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In Maths this week we have been looking at doubling numbers, number bonds to 10 and adding two one digit numbers in our heads. The children have also been using our shoemaker shop to buy and sell elf shoes using money. IMG_1077 IMG_1079 IMG_1091


In PE the children have been setting up the apparatus for gymnastics and putting it away safely. They have shown great skills by balancing, jumping, slithering, skipping and climbing.

We hope you have a lovely Bank holiday weekend.

Reception Team
