Monthly Archives: October 2017

Music fun in Year 3

Year 3 would like to tell you about our Music lessons this term !

First we composed music in the style of the Aztecs.  We had fun using natural and man-made materials in the school grounds to create sound and rhythm.

After that our focus has been Animal Magic. We have added mimed greetings and percussion accompaniments to the Tortoise song. Then we made animal hasthas (hand shapes) using hand movements for different animals. At the moment we are composing our own music to represent an animal moving. We are going to use graphic notation to record our music.

Here are some photographs of our music lessons.

Mrs Taylor


Willy Wonkas Sweet Treats

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A big thank you to all parents and carers who contributed so generously to our cake and biscuit decorating day. We had such a lovely time decorating the biscuits with fancy designs  and making them as attractive as possible. We think even Mr Wonka himself would have been pleased with our designs! We managed to raise an excellent £69.50 from the sale and we will be using this money towards our trip to the aquarium in the second half of the autumn term. You will receive more information about this in the coming days. 

A big thank you to everybody who came in with money and bought cakes and biscuits for siblings and family members too. We hope you enjoyed them as much as we enjoyed creating them! 

Another thank you to Josh, Ryan, Gloria and Alfie and many others who were our shopkeepers for the day and worked so hard to give everybody the right change they needed. You are stars! 


Hi all,

Thank you for your patience while we update your children’s spelling books.  We are very impressed with the spellings the children have remembered so far and we are well on ur way to ensuring every child has filled any gaps in their spellings from Year 1 and 2.

If your child has a note in their book saying well done for completing Year 1/2 words, they are ready to move onto Year 3 spellings.  By Christmas, we would like the children to know the following words.  If they are still working on Year 1 and 2 words, that is the priority and they should know these first before moving on 🙂

Autumn words for Year 3;

actual, actually, arrive, address, believe, breath, breathe, build, calendar, century, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, early, difficult

Spring words for Year 3;

earth, eight, eighth, experiment, famous, February, forward, forwards, fruit, grammar, group, guard, heard, heart, history, important, interest, learn, length

Summer words for Year 3;

notice, often, perhaps, popular, possible, probably, promise, remember, sentence, special, straight, strange, strength, suppose, therefore, woman, women

Many thanks again for your help.  You are marvellous and we really appreciate your support.

Mrs Toms xx

Year 3 Maths

Hi all!

Just an update on our maths so far!

We have a strong focus on place value to 1000 at the moment.  Children are demonstrating their understanding of three digit numbers by comparing, ordering, building numbers with dienes equipment (the hundreds, tens and ones blocks) and finding the difference between two numbers.  Some children have started adding with hundreds, tens and ones using simple column addition and subtraction.  We have been shopkeepers and bought items using £1, 10p and 1p coins to represent the hundreds tens and units.

On Tuesday, we will be creating large and small 3 digit numbers from 3 number cards, deciding which is the biggest and smallest and finding the difference between the 2 numbers.   On Wednesday we continue with Fast Maths and times tables work in our breaks before/after swimming.  On Thursday we are becoming estate agents and deciding which 5 houses are the most cost effective and will give them the most change from £999.  Don’t you wish you could buy a house for under £1000?! 🙂  On Friday we will be in charge of celebrity payslips and deciding which celebrities have the greatest wages!

We have been using the greater than and less than symbols;

greater than >

less than <

Also, a massive thank you for such kind donations so far for our Wonka sweet treats day.  We hope to raise lots of money so we can subsidise our trip to the aquarium in Autumn 2 and use the data to support further learning in maths using hundreds, tens and ones.

What a wonderful start to the week!

Mrs Toms x

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