Year 1 have been learning about Picasso in their art lessons. That has linked well with our topic of ‘Food and Senses’ as it links to our bodies and the wonderful (and weird!) things they can do!
We watched an actor portray Picasso on screen and attempted to create our own Picasso faces! First we cut up pictures of other children then drew faces in the style of Picasso until finally cutting and rearranging our own faces.
We think the effect is very cool and there were many delightful giggles coming from the children as they saw their friend’s work and tried to guess which picture belonged to each child!
Some facts about Picasso!
Picasso’s full name is…….
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso!! A bit of a tongue twister!
Apparently, Picasso’s first word as a baby was the Spanish word for ‘pencil’.
Picasso first created a picture when he was 9 and then again at 15. Our children are only 5/6 years old and we think they are already creating masterpieces!

Stay tuned for a funny blog post about Dr Dog!