Category Archives: News

Elm Park Girls Football Team

On Monday the 19th of November, 8 girls took part in a girls football match.  The match took place at St Marys  school. Ashley, Amiee, Gloria, Emma, Deanna, Vilte , Layla, Keira took part in this fair match.

On a muddy pitch we slid around but at half time we were winning 2-0 and Aimee scored both of the goals.

We kicked off the second half and Ashley scored a magnificent goal striking from the corner. Then, Aimee picked up the ball from the halfway line and weaved through the St Mary’s girls to score another goal  to make a hatrick.

Emma our goalkeeper made a fantastic save from the penalty spot and so game ended 4-0 to Elm Park Primary.

We all enjoyed the game and and are looking forward to our next match against La Sallette.

By Deanna

This week in Year 4 by Josh

Monday: On Monday in year 4 we went on a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum  in South Kensington.  We saw a lot of artefacts from all the way back in Ancient Greek times. My favourite artefact was from the Great Expedition. It was called a Victorian Wine Cooler. It was Queen Victoria’s favourite artefact and that is why she allowed them to use her name on it.

On Tuesday it was just a normal day in class but I went Digital Leaders Club where we used the VR goggles. I then went to Cubs and I made a marsh mallow and spaghetti tower. It was the tallest one and we won a prize.  When I got home I had to immediately go to sleep 🙁

by Josh

Larch Class




This week the whole school have been decorating their own poppies. Most of the time we paint the poppies red because it is the classic colour of poppies and on Flanders Field when they started to grow it looked like a flood of the blood from the soldiers who died in battle. This year we got to paint purple poppies because they are for all of the animals that were killed in the wars like dogs, horses and pigeons. We also got to use a variety of techniques of how to decorate it like using a cotton bud and paint or felt tips. This year is a very special year because it is 100 years since World War 1 ended.

Year 6

Here is Video showing our beautiful poppies and pupils singing ‘In FlandersFields”.

Welcome to Year 4

We have had a busy few weeks in Year 4 learning all about the Victorians.

This started with a great trip to the Ragged School we are all really hooked on the topic. Personalised learning means that we have already completed two projects linked to this, some of us made Movies, whilst others wrote reports and made posters.  It has been wonderful watching the children learn independently and become more confident working in teams too.

We are very proud of the children, they have made a brilliant start to Year 4, all striving to be the best they can be.


Sound Science

Year 3 planned and carried out an experiment to test which material was the most effective at muffling sound.  The children discussed fair testing and how to make a scientific prediction.  Ryan & Divine were our two students who were able to predict that the plastic carrier bags would be the best at muffling the sound from the shaker- even the adults were sure the fabric would be the best muffler!  The children understood that it is exciting to get a prediction wrong and even professional scientists predict incorrectly every day! 

Sports Day

Towards the end of the week, we had both KS1 and KS2 Sports Day. The weather was great and the children were ready to go! Each child wore either red, yellow, green or blue and represented their colour/house in their races. KS2 Sports Day took place first with a 9:30 start, it saw the children take part in sprints, long jump, long distance, throwing and a relay. 

During lunch time there was a picnic on the field where parents, children and teachers ate lunch and enjoyed a BBQ put on by The Friends of Elm Park Primary. 

The KS1 Sports Day started shortly after lunch. Children took part in 6 events egg and spoon race, sprint, obstacle relay, corridor relay, ball throw and the sack race. 

We would like to thank all parents and careers for attending and The Friends of Elm Park Primary for supporting. A final thank you to Evie Bragger for her fantastic photography. 

Miss Joseph

Junior Music Festival


The KS2 choir did our school proud on Friday at the Junior Music Festival at the Queens theatre. We were the smallest choir there but that did not stop them putting in a show stopping performance of ‘Walking on Sunshine’.

Well done KS2 choir you are all superstars!

Miss Munro

Mrs Gloss has an ugly, horrible and disgusting face!

The children in Year 3 have been writing descriptions of a brand new character.  We have seen some fantastic work with similes, adjectives and commas to separate items in a list!  Here is an extract from  Ryan’s work.  ​”Mrs Gloss has an ugly, horrible and disgusting face.  Her teeth are black and bruised.  Her breath smells like stinky, rotten eggs because she doesn’t brush them.”  We definitely have the next Roald Dahl or David Walliams in our year group!

Mrs Toms


Quad Kids


On 19th June, some children from Year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to represent the school at Quad Kids. During the event, which was held at Hornchurch Stadium, children participated in a long distance run, a sprint race, vortex throw and standing long jump. The children did themselves, their parents and the school proud, well done!

Health and Fitness Week

Health and Fitness Week has been a great success with the children taking part in lots of different activities and being able to enjoy different healthy fruit and veg. On Monday, the children took part in the 5-a-day Pentathlon and will be trying to better their score in September. Throughout the day on Tuesday, children took part in a Clubbercise session in which they danced the day away to some classic songs. The smoothie bike took off on Wednesday, as we saw each class create their winning smoothie. Finally on Thursday the children took to their seats to watch Teachers vs Year 6 rounder, which saw the teacher win. 

Miss Joseph