Category Archives: News

Learning about Spike Milligan

Year 3 have started learning about the famous poet Spike Milligan.  We researched lots of facts about him, his TV & radio shows and listened to four of his most absurd poems! ‘On the Ning Nang Nong’ and ‘Land of the Bumbley Boo’ seemed to be very popular across the two classes.  We discovered that he was born in Poona, India and was the son of an Irish captain.   Lots of interesting discussions were held about the invention of television and why the radio was such a popular form of entertainment in the past.

Mrs Toms


Finding the Inverse

Hi all

This week in Ash & Aspen we are busy finding the inverse for addition and subtraction problems.  This is proving to be very challenging! Any support at home you can give the children will be beneficial.

For example if presented with the question   ______ – 20 = 40, we can add the 20 + 40 back together to make 60.  We then must prove that it works by completing 60-20=40.  If the 3 numbers match, then we are correct.  If they do not match we need to check for errors in our adding or subtracting.

Once the children are secure in doing this with 2 digit numbers, move onto 3 digit numbers.

Many thanks,

Mrs Toms

Number fun

This week, the whole school has been on the look out for big red numbers! The numbers are hidden and the children are on a mission to find them and return them to Miss Brown,along with a fact of their choice about that number. The children have enjoyed searching throughout the school and showing off their number skills!

Miss Brown

Lightbot App

Hello everyone,

We are playing with the Lightbot App today.  We are learning about algorithms and how we input instructions into a computer in the right order.  Here are some pictures- some levels were tricky but we persevered and shared our knowledge when a friend was stuck! 

Looking for right angles!

Year 3 took their iPads outside on Tuesday and went on a right angles hunt! We know that right angles have 90 degrees and can be in any orientation. Once we had found as many right angles as possible we started searching for angles that were greater than/less than right angles. The birdhouse was our most interesting find as it had a mix of lots of different types of angles. This week we have also been dancing with angles in a ‘moving mathematics’ lesson, finding out how many quarter turns make up circles and understanding compass directions in terms of angles and quarter turns. 

Pompeii Day

Hi all!

What a lovely day we have had in Year 3 during Pompeii Day!  Thank you to everyone that took part by dressing up.

We found out about Roman gladiators in the Coliseum and mimed their actions during a drama lesson (no children were hurt in the making of these pictures!).

Then we worked in small groups with Mrs Peel to make delicious Italian pizzas.  We chose from cheese, peppers, ham and sweetcorn as our ingredients.  Aspen class couldn’t wait to eat theirs in the afternoon but Ash managed to take theirs home to eat.  I hope they were all delicious! 🙂

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Year 3 PE

Due to the snow falling from the sky and whizzing around in the wind, it wasn’t safe enough for us to carry out our normal kwik cricket lessons so we had to change our lesson to suit being indoors!

We watched a Joe Wicks Body Coach workout and copied his movements to complete the High Intensity Workout for schools.  Joe Wicks posted a week long series of workouts for schools that you can access from home by clicking on the following link; 

After this, we listened to relaxing music and carried out some mindfulness activities.

A very different but very energetic lesson!




Year 3 have started their new topic of ‘Active Planet’ by researching facts and creating fabulous eBooks and Morfobooth videos to demonstrate what they have been learning about.  We also looked at the Pixar short ‘Lava’ on YouTube and wrote a short retell of the story using sentence openers such as ‘After a while’ and ‘During this time’.  We can’t wait to learn about the properties of rocks and to carry out experiments such as dissolving parts of rocks in vinegar!

Mrs Toms